1. PRO LAB SENSE SAKURA FX ( 3box free 1BOX )
  2. PRO LAB SENSE SAKURA FX ( 3box free 1BOX )
  3. PRO LAB SENSE SAKURA FX ( 3box free 1BOX )
  4. PRO LAB SENSE SAKURA FX ( 3box free 1BOX )


RM 499.00                     

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Key Product Features

  • skin vaginal menopause breast sagging wrinkle younger pcos
  • hormone imbalance imsonia tired tyroid tumor


Sakura 调理内分泌
1box  品尝疗程
4 box 改善肌肤疗程
10 box 完整巩固疗程


综合莓果干细胞 mixed berries stemcell
(蔓越莓 蓝莓 巴西莓 蜜枣)
>> 维生素C-促进胶原蛋白自然增生 
>> 皮肤光滑柔嫩 
>> 高抗氧化
>> 改善自由基破坏 
>> 抑制黑色素沉淀 
>> 抗晒,2天美白,预防老化 

梅果干细胞 Plum stemcell
>> 平衡血液酸碱值
>> 消除疲劳,增加活力 
>> 抗肿瘤,清除血液垃圾 
>> 保护肝脏 
>> 预防老人骨质疏松
>> 延缓衰老,保持美容 
>> 促进皮肤细胞新陈代谢,起到美肌、美发效果

葡萄  提取物 Grape Seed Extract
>> 阻隔紫外线的伤害
>> 防止肌肤老化,如皱纹,细纹和毛孔粗大问题
>> 提供肌肤需要的天然维生素和矿物质
>> 保持皮肤充满光泽及年轻。
>> 有助于减少炎症
>> 有助于减少太阳伤害和其他环境污染物。阻挡紫外线的深层破坏
>> 排除毒素 

葛根粉Pueraria Mirifica
>> 天然的植物雌激素
>> 助于促进乳房发育丰满紧致
>> 让身体和卵巢保持年轻状态
>> 肌肤变得光滑细嫩滋润
>>养巢 -修复阴道内膜、宫颈糜烂、盆腔粘膜,阴道逐步收缩紧窄
>>通乳腺,改善乳腺增生 ,增加母乳奶量

服用方法   ❤
粉状,直接倒进嘴巴服用 / +30ml温室水冲泡
快速效果 一天2包,醒来1包,午餐后1包
维持效果 一天1包,醒来1包

配方: 日本
原厂地: 马来西亚


Sakura recuperate endocrine system.

1 box 20 sachets.

1 box course of treatment savour.

4 boxes improve course of treatment of skin.

10 boxes complete strengthen course of treatment.



-          Promotes the health of vagina.

-          Prevent pendulous breasts.

-          Improve the problem of skin.

-          Eliminate eye bags and dark pouches.

-          Promotes collagen.

-          Controls endocrine system

-          Contracts vagina and improve leucorrhoea.



Mixed berries stem cell (cranberry, blueberry, Brazilian berry, candied dates)

-          Vitamin C -> Promotes increasing of collagen

-          Smoothness and tenderness of skin

-          Highly prevent oxidation

-          Prevent free radical from damaging

-          Controls the appearance of melanin

-          Decrease eye bags and dark pouches

-          2 days whitening effects, sunscreen, prevent aging

-          Decrease the growth of pimples, scars of pimples, darken skin, pale skin, large pores, blackheads


Plum stem cell

-          Balance pH value of blood

-          Eliminate fatigue, increase stamina

-          Prevent the growth of tumour, clear up impurities in blood

-          Protect organs

-          Prevent osteoporosis in the elderly

-          Slower down aging, maintain beauty

-          Promotes skin cell metabolism, up to beautifying skin, beautifying hair effects too



Grape Seed Extract

-          Prevent damages from ultraviolet radiation

-          Prevent aging of skin, examples problem of crinkle of skin, fine lines and large pores

-          Provide the natural vitamin and minerals that skin needs

-          Maintain the shine and young of the skin

-          Helps decreasing inflammation

-          Helps decreasing the damage from sunlight and environmental pollutants. Prevent damages from ultraviolet radiation

-          Remove toxic


Pueraria Mirifica

-          Estrogen from natural plant

-          Helps promotes growth of breasts and firming of breasts

-          Let body and ovarian maintain in young conditions

-          Skin becomes shine, tender and moisturize

-          Conditioning endocrine system

-          Prevent from menstrual disorder, menstrual pain and different amount of menstrual blood being released.

-          Improve menopause, premature amenorrhea

-          Promotes the rate of pregnancy

-          Decrease rate of alcohol in human body

-          Heals blood tumour, uterine fibroids, water tumour and normal tumour

-          Heals uterine swelling, promotes pregnancy

-          Increase hepatocyte regeneration, prevent accumulation of liver fat

-          Strengthen memory

-          Thicken semen, more durable

-          Improve blood circulation, prevent uterus from getting cold, prevent body from getting cold

-          Heals uterus -> heals vaginal endometrium, cervical erosion, pelvic mucosa, vagina getting tighter

-          Heals numbing of hands and legs

-          Pass through mammary gland, improve the increasing in mammary gland, increase amount of breast milk



-          Powder form, pour directly into mouth / add 30ml distilled room temperature water and stir evenly

-          Fast effect, 1 day 2 sachets, 1 sachet after waking up from bed, 1 sachet after lunch

-          Maintain effect, 1 day 1 sachet, 1 sachet after waking up from bed


Formulated by Japan

Made in Malaysia

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