1. Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar 375ML 顺泰行百香果萃釀

Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar 375ML 顺泰行百香果萃釀


RM 51.10                     

RM 53.80

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Key Product Features

  • Help improve digestive system
  • Improves immune system

The raw materials of Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar are from Taitung, Taiwan. Passion fruits are carefully selected. When the Taitung Passion Fruit is ripe, the peel is bright red and smooth, the flesh is strong yellow, the fragrance is strong, the acidity is low, and the nutritional value is also high, which is especially suitable for making Fruit Vinegar. The main components of Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar are vitamin A, biological brass and iron, which are very beneficial to human health. Regular consumption of Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar can achieve the effect of beauty and physical fitness.

 The production process of Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar does not add any bad additives, it is 100% pure and natural, and does not use chemical aromas and pigments. Extract its active ingredients, natural fruit aroma and color from natural ingredients. In the process, acetic acid bacteria are used for fermentation and brewing to improve the purity of active ingredients and avoid impurities and astringency that damage the original nutritional ingredients and taste.

 Benefits of Aroma Passion Fruit Vinegar :

– Improve health – prevents night blindness and weak vision, suitable for office workers and students

-Promote immune system- Enhance the body’s resistance, effectively prevent bacteria and viruses from invading the body that cause various diseases

-Maintain bone health/ growth – great for children as it helps keep bones growing

-Beauty – Maintains healthy skin, hair and also helps to remove dark spots

-Treat skin ulcers- external use for treating treatable acne, pustules, and skin ulcers

– Helps the health of pregnant women and fetuses- Helps small intestine to absorb iron, allows the fetus to develop smoothly, can provide fetal nutrition, and can prevent pregnant women from puking, fatigue, bloating and constipation


Shake well before serving. It is recommended to dilute 3-5 times with drinking water. If you want a better taste, you can add ice cubes and drink it as a cold drink.

*It is recommended to drink one hour after meals, which can help digestion without irritating the stomach

 Storage method:

Avoid direct sunlight and stored properly at dry and cold place






-有助于消化- 刺激味蕾,促进食欲,它可帮助蛋白质分解达到促进食物消化的功效

-预防中暑- 适合天气炎热时饮用,有助于生津解渴和利尿消肿

-促进免疫系统- 增强人体抵抗力,有效阻止细菌和病毒侵入人体导致各种疾病

-消除疲劳- 可帮助人体恢复体力,能帮助分解疲累物质








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